To gain understanding of when titles and names appear in comedy films I watched the opening credits for Superbad (2007).
*Production company; though this is the same with every film genre.
*Title of the movie - the title isn't glamorous and like most other comedy films it fits in with the frame instead having its own one.
*Followed by the actor's names starting with the main characters to the little ones. This is usually what happens in most other genres though not always the case.
*Followed by whom casted the film.
*Followed by the costume designer name.
*Followed by the co-producer name.
*Followed by music supervisor name. This may be a coincidence but the music has a funky little part as this name appears. This is either planned or ironic as the title/name is linked to music.
*Followed by who did the music. This funky part of music continues for this and as the name vanishes the music turns back to its previous state.
*Followed by the editor’s name.
*Follower by the production designer name.
*Followed by the directory of photography name.
*Followed by the executive producer’s names.
*Followed by the producers' names.
*Followed by the writers' names.
*And finally followed by the director’s name; though this is the same with every other genre like the titles.
Besides learning the order to put the titles and names during our opening, I also learnt that you can change things such as images on screen or music to fit with the titles like Superbad have done in their opening for the music crew.