Thursday 17 February 2011

Film Opening Final Storyboard

Today we created our final storyboard and script. We estimated the time to be around one and an half minutes. We had many discussions about what order the scenes should be placed in within the script and storyboard. However, we now feel it is the best it could be. We asked for feedback from other groups, in which we receive no criticism. However, our teacher queried if the title should appear earlier on in the opening. The choices for the titles introduction is when the boys close the doors of their homes when leaving for school. Or when they meet up and the camera tilts to the sky revealing the title. We decided to stick to our initial idea but end the clip after the titles. Previously after the titles we intended to have a few more seconds of our geeks getting harassed by bullies. However, this would have moved on from the film opening; a fault we are being careful to avoid.

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