- Opening
Key -Trailer
The trailer clearly shows the film to be that of an action movie shown by all the action sequences within the trailer possibly with the sub genre of love shown with ‘Bond’ compassion for the woman. The opening suggests that the genre is action shown by all the animated fighting and shoot outs.
The trailer is an open narrative telling us the whole plot of the film but still hiding the ending. Firstly it tells us that it is James Bond's first mission highlighted by dialogue. It tells us how the antagonist is a villain by revealing he finances terrorist organisations. It also tells us that ‘Bond’ has been hired by the US government to play in a poker match and to win causing the villain to lose all his money. It then goes on to reveal that his girl also gets kidnapped by the villain. All this information is given through the enigma code hiding the ending of the film but revealing the rest; it shows all this by using many fade to blacks showing time passing. The narrative is much more obviously open than in the trailer, it still uses the enigma code however but in a less obvious way. All you can be certain of is that the film is based around gambling suggested by the playing cards in the background and spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts in a card deck being shot out a gun into people. The gun itself connotes violence as does the fight scenes. Notice how little is given away with the enigma code compared to the trailer.
The trailer clearly shows there is a theme of death shown by many violent images on screen and also dialogue once again. It also suggests that there may be love shown by the hugging the girl in the shower obviously comforting her. And finally gambling seems to play a key theme in the film epecially poker, this is also suggested by the title as well as the dialogue speaking of it and also the clips of gambolling. This is the same as the narrative and for the same reasons. The opening does not suggest the theme of love like the trailer does but instead only gambling and violence (but not necessary death as you are not certain if you see anyone die or just get wounded).
Sound seems to be the biggest tell tale signs of the plot. Many dialogue sections use both diegetic and non-diegetic quotes that are key to telling the audience the plot. Such as ‘does it bother you killing those people?’ ‘If it did I wouldn’t be very good at my job’ this shows us there is death. When images of the woman trapped in water appear you hear non - diegetic dialogue of ‘you took everything from me’ suggesting that there is a girl involved and love. The whole way through the clip you hear the iconic ‘James Bond’ music letting the viewer know straight away what movie this is. The traditional ‘James Bond’ song is not present for the opening but instead replaced with a rock type song with lyrics ‘if you take a life do you know what you give’ suggesting that a life may be taken but once again not proving that it is incorporated in the film. Also it is asking a question and sounds like it is asking it to someone who has never taken a life what fits with this being ‘Bond’ first ever mission and therefore death.
The trailer shows us there is at least three main characters and tells us about each one. ‘James Bond’ is clearly the protagonist shown by him working for the government as well as trying to stop the antagonist. He is obviously very brave, strong and confident all shown by the furious action sequences, his ways around the ladies and the poker game. He is also very arogant shown with the dialogue line from the female ‘sidekick’ ‘I will be keeping an eye on the governments money and you perfectly formed ass.’ ‘So you noticed’ this section also shows the audience she is attracted to him. She is also seen to be the damsel in distress as it is ‘Bond’ who comforts her in the shower scene and also has to save her. Finally, there is an obvious antagonist with scars on his face. The scars allow the man to stand out and easily by notified as the villain. He wears black in all scenes and dialogue allows you to know he works with terrorists. The opening only suggests one main character. A man who is seen in a black suit and a white shirt fighting many plain coloured figures. This suggests that this man is the main character. At the end of the clip the animated man steps closer to the camera revealing the real life face of ‘Daniel Craig’ letting the audience know he is the star of the film and telling them that he will be in fights when outnumbered.
The trailer makes the whole film just seem link one big rollercoaster ride of shoot outs, car chases and violence. The atmosphere can only be described as an adrenaline junkies playground. The opening has a tension building atmosphere made by the animation fight sequences, music and the waiting to see real people in the film and to find out what the plot is; a great way to keep your audience intrigued with the film.
The setting doesn’t seem to be in any focused place. However the trailer suggests that the film is based around several hot countries shown by golden beaches, light blue oceans and summer clothing. It also tells the audience that a casino is definitely involved. The animation is set in front of plain coloured backgrounds. However the deck of cards and the fact cards symbols are shot from guns suggests gambling is involved with the film leading the audience to believe a casino is the main if not only setting of the film.
The title is in bold capitals saying ‘CASINO ROYALE’ then the ‘o’ from each word form together as the other words vanish making a ‘00’ followed by a ‘7’ creating the iconic and easily recognisable name of ‘007’. The title ‘CASINO ROYALE’ fades away quickly this time and does not look as glamorous as the trailer. It also doesn’t turn into ‘007’ like in the trailer. This could be due to the fact that because you’re already watching it you don’t need to know the title as you should be aware of it, or may due to the fact they want to start the film as swiftly as possible not making the audience become bored. My guess would be the first one due to the fact your already watching therefore you attention or no convincing needs to take place.
The main point I hope these notes gave off is that trailers and openings are very different. Trailers tell the whole or most of the film's story and let you know exactly what’s in it. They try to catch your attention and make you a potential consumer. Openings however just give you hints or clues to the audience what is expected from the film.
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