Thursday, 3 November 2011

(RESIT JANUARY 2012) Target audience appearance moodboard

Mood Board of Auidence
Though the mood board only covers a very tiny percentage of our target audience it highlights specific viewers which would be more interested than the average target audience member.
Each character lists within the mood board are both stereotypical and true to real people within society. Each group has an extra interest in a film compared to the normal audience we are targeting and here are the reasons why…
The Geeks- In media geeks are stereotypically portrayed as losers. They have few friends but each friendship is committed and healthy. This is untrue to life; geeks from my own experience can have tons of friends and in fact can be popular.
Our geek, Stuart, must be portrayed stereotypically to insure we capture the desired audience’s attention as well insuring we have a funny comedy. Using Stuart in this stereotypical way we interest a grater mass audience rather than a niece, ‘geek’ one.
The Emo kids- Emo is the terminology that has been defined as ‘they sometimes hate others but mostly themselves as some are depressed. They usually wear black’ it is a growing culture and people become emo so they can express themselves without being questioned or ridiculed. Character Tom is not an emo yet he stands for the same morals and principles they do allowing us to capture this growing audience.
XBOX KID- Late studies have reported ‘Up to 90 percent of American youth play video games and as many as 15 percent of them (more than 5 million kids) may be addicted, according to data cited in a report by the American Medical Association's Council on Science and Public Health. ‘Though the change in culture is both worrying and terrible it can be easily used to film industries advantage.
Our character Bob can relate to the massive 15percent who are addicted to video games. This huge audience will love our character and come to watch the film just for him. Finding a weakness in society we have established a gigantic easily attracted audience to our film.
The happy guys- Our film is a comedy and conventions of comedy usually include an easily enjoyable happy film. The genre has brought the happy audience to us and with the use of an un-serious storyline we can nearly promise they’ll enjoy the film.
My looks are everything girls- This sounds comical but the increase in concern for appearance within society is worrying. Many illnesses have derived from this concern including eating disorders. That is why so many females will relate to Stacey, for she is also concerned about her appearance (connoted in seconds by the clip of Stacey stuffing her bra.)
We can perhaps help young females with our film to realise appearance isn’t everything. Stacey in the storyline leaves her ‘glamorous’ life and comes out her shell to admit she is a geek and though less popular she is extremely happy with her true self. Though this serious plot is hidden within a comedy narrative I am confident this enigma coded information will reach our viewers making a potential gigantic female audience.
The down to earth guys- This is the rare audience that is similar to the happy kid. They will watch the film just because the conventions of comedy are easy going and promises and easy, enjoyable film.

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