Friday 28 January 2011

Action Openings
(I apologize i couldnt embed this clip)

The thing that separates most action films openings from others is the fact it usually jumps straight into the action then seems to calm down. This is used so the viewer is already buzzed and excited for the film from a very early stage. The film ‘The Watchmen’ (2009) is a great example of this.  

The scene very early on shows several slow motion moments which include the door breaking and the throwing the glass. Within several seconds you see the presumed protagonist look at the gun connoting violence and death. The gun signifies this is an action movie. It has fast paced fighting mixed with slow motion which gets your heart pumping from the start. The house gets destroyed during the fight; the destruction also creates an exciting atmosphere. The blood connotes violence, sugessting a film that is not suitable for children. The smiley face shows the audience the brawlers' may have logos or a humourous side to death, showing they are comfortable around death showing that the brawlers are tough. The blood that drips onto the presumed logo becomes the easily recognisable icon for the film. The diegetic music in the background from the television is brilliant as the music itself is juxtaposition to the violence, however the lyrics fits with the character. The music is soothing and calm which helps to highlight the action and violence. The lyrics say ‘unforgettable’ and if you watch the film the man is a famous hero. All these features are part of an enigma code to make you ask why this man died? Who killed him? And finally, showing you this is an action film.  

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